
Why invest on Netdeal

AI as Service for Digital Marketing and Sales.

Market Pain Points

How it works

We built a Digital Experience Platform that agregates All Marketing Tools that modern companies needs.

What it does?

Product Market Fit

Already optimized for the market offering AI Web Performance tools.


Highly scalable

Netdeal's architecture is highly scalable, handling different levels of security with data consistency.

Owned technology

An unique and advanced platform that combines owned technology with a deep understanding and knowledge in Digital Marketing and Sales.

High standard features

Each group of features offers equal or superior quality to specialized tools such as Wordpress, Hubspot, RD Station, ActiveCampaign, Chartbeat, Piano, Deep BI, Adobe Experience Platform and others

Growing Stats

Business Model

Why invest in Netdeal

US$ 3 Billion*

US$ 1.6 Billion*

  • Uniqueness in the market
  • Usage-based Pricing
  • Validated Product Market fit
  • High Customer Satisfaction

* Clearbit Source TAM (Total Adressable Market)

Priorities in Brazil Market

TAM: ACV X actual number of companies on ICP

UK & US Market

Key Team

LinkedIn Paulo Henrique LinkedIn Leandro Nakanishi LinkedIn Evandro Cavichioli
Book a meeting

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